The Voronezh court has fined Ukrainian national Konstantin Mosyura for his comments about the Russian army. This was reported by the "Free People of Voronezh" Telegram channel on August 8th.

The court has fined Konstantin Mosyura 30,000 rubles ($308) for discrediting the army. According to the prosecution, Mosyura shouted slogans in support of Ukraine at a resort in Voronezh, where he stays with other refugees.

The man allegedly exclaimed "Glory to Ukraine!" and called Russian soldiers "criminals." 

A similar incident transpired in June 2022 in the Tula region. On that occasion, a Ukrainian woman said in a hotel lobby that the Russian military was responsible for the deaths of Ukrainian civilians. She, too, was fined 30,000 rubles. The hotel was accommodating refugees from Mariupol.
