On July 19, up to 50 employees of the "Beautification and Landscaping" organization refused to work because of unpaid overtime. They announced their demands at a rally, during which officials pledged to raise their salaries. This information was reported by Orengrad.ru.

On July 19, the employees of the Orenburg municipal institution "Beautification and Landscaping" refused to work. Around 50 people gathered at a spontaneous rally outside the organization's office. They claimed that while “working full eight-hour shifts they were paid for only six.” The protesters refused to return to work until they received explanations from the management.

Local officials and the institution's director, Alexander Karnaukhov, had a meeting with the protesters and assured them that their salaries would be increased. After this promise, the workers agreed to resume their duties.

Across various regions, workers are using strikes to advocate for their rights. In Astrakhan, ambulance drivers complained to authorities about low wages and quit their jobs in protest. As a result, the salaries were raised and more funds were allocated to the regional healthcare.

In June 2023, 80 miners in the Urals refused to surface from the mine in protest against impending layoffs at the company. They ended the strike a day later after the mine management promised to preserve jobs.
