The  96-year-old mother of Igor Baryshnikov, a resident of Kaliningrad who was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for misinformation about the army, will be taken into custody by the guardianship authorities, according to a report from the SOTAvision Telegram channel on June 23.

Igor Baryshnikov's mother is a World War II veteran and Holocaust survivor. She has no other relatives and is unable to care for herself independently.

Following the initial search of the Baryshnikovs' apartment and her son's arrest, Yevgenia Baryshnikova's health started deteriorating. Her son had been taking care of her and managing the household.

On June 22, the court sentenced Igor Baryshnikov to prison for his posts about Mariupol and Bucha. Human rights activists fear that the sentence might turn lethal for both the man and his mother. Baryshnikov is dealing with a suspected cancerous tumor and requires a stomach tube for mobility. Without surgery, his condition could be fatal.

Russian guardianship authorities have already intervened in the lives of families with anti-war positions. In March, after Alexei Moskalyov was detained for discrediting the army, his daughter Masha Moskalyova was placed in a shelter. Her estranged mother later took care of her. A few days later, the foster care authorities placed in an orphanage an adopted son of Natalia Filonova, a retiree from Buryatia who is currently on trial for assaulting police officers at a protest against mobilization. Both Masha Moskalyova and Vova Alalykin were prohibited from contacting their parents, who were under investigation.
