A poll to schedule a referendum on renaming the city to Stalingrad was launched in Volgograd on March 27. Earlier, a petition was launched that refers to the proposal as an effort to "justification of Stalinist crimes." This was reported by the V1.RU.

Volgograd officials have initiated a survey to gather opinions on renaming the city to Stalingrad. A public discussion on the idea was conducted at Lyceum № 8, in the Dzerzhinsky district, and was attended by officials, teachers, and pensioners. According to V1.RU, the survey's results, expected next week, will determine whether a referendum will be held on the matter.

The proposal was suggested by veterans and backed by the regional Duma in December 2022. However, more than 2.2 thousand residents have signed a petition against the renaming, citing concerns that it would justify Stalin’s crimes and insult the memory of millions of victims of the Great Patriotic War and Stalinist repressions. 

When asked about the renaming, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov advised caution and consideration of the pros and cons.

In November 2022, Volgograd was renamed Stalingrad, just for one day, in honor of the 80th anniversary of its liberation from German invaders. More recently, in January 2023, a bust of Stalin was installed in the city.
