On a murder trial that has begun in Ryazan, is Maxim Ivankin, earlier convicted in the Set (“Network”) case. He is accused of the murder of Yekaterina Levchenko. Ivankin claims that he confessed under torture. This was reported by the telegram channel "NeMoskva Speaks" on February 3.

A jury trial for the murder of Yekaterina Levchenko and Artyom Dorofeyev has begun in Ryazan. The defendant, Maksim Ivankin, has pled not guilty. The lawyer of Yekaterina Levchenko's parents, Alexei Mikhalchik, believes that Ivankin's culpability has been fully proven.

Maksim Ivankin, earlier convicted in the Set ("Network") case, was charged with the murder of Yekaterina Levchenko in September 2021. He confessed to the crime in the pre-trial detention center in Ryazan where he had been moved from a prison camp in Chuvashia. He said that in the spring of 2017 he slit Yekaterina Levchenko's throat in a forest near Ryazan, while another defendant in the Set ("Network") case, Alexei Poltavets, killed Artyom Dorofeev with a shotgun.

A few days after his confession, Ivankin declared that he had testified under torture: he had been physically abused and beaten for about nine days and then forced to write a confession and memorize his testimony.

The Federal Security Service opened a criminal case about the Set ("Network") terrorist community and those involved in it ("Penza case") in the fall of 2017. On February 10, 2020, the Volga District Military Court sentenced the seven defendants to terms from 6 to 18 years. They were found guilty of creating a terrorist organization and conspiring to overthrow the constitutional order.

According to the defendants, FSB officers had coerced confessions from them using electric shocks in the cells of the Penza pre-trial detention center. Not a single criminal case has been opened in connection with these statements.
