Residents of Yekaterinburg pasted President Vladimir Putin’s photos on trees that should be cut down for development. The developer wants to build a residential complex on the site of an old-growth forest, which is 250 years old. The URA.RU Media Outlet reported this.

Residents of Yekaterinburg pasted portraits of Vladimir Putin on trees and asked the president to protect the old-growth forest. The trees are planned to be cut down for the construction of an elite residential complex. According to the townspeople, this may cause problems with the environment, because there are many animals living in the forest.

"This forest is about 250 years old: carvel pines, many animals — hares, squirrels, hedgehogs. Once there was a pioneer camp here, then a part of the territory was occupied by a hospital for drug addicts. The land always belonged to urban forests and was not subject to development. But about five years ago, this land plot for some reason was excluded from the category of forests and given to developers by a court decision," said activist Andrei Rudakov.

According to Andrei Rudakov, a member of the Board of the Union of Architects of Russia, the citizens appealed to the regional government and the city administration. They were sent to the Architecture Main Department, where it was explained that the work in the forest was carried out according to the general development plan of Yekaterinburg.

Residents of different cities protected forests from the felling of trees. Residents of Yaroslavl held pickets with posters and collected 2.5 thousand signatures in defense of Tveritsky Pine Wood in a few days. The developer wanted to build high-rise buildings on the site of a birch grove and part of a pine forest. The townspeople put mirrors with the inscription, "You killed the forest" near the place of the felling.

In Syktyvkar, residents held a mass picket and asked to stop the felling of trees in a pine wood for a sand quarry. The head of Komi listened to the residents and suggested finding another place for sand extraction.
