Ethnofuturist Yuri Lisovsky has achieved the removal of a gift hamper of Dary Severa (‘Gifts of the North’) vodka with his work Creation of the World on the label from the market. Syktyvkar Distillery has produced the souvenir gifts. Lisovsky also demanded compensation for moral harm and recompensing the cost of the bottles sold, but the company refused to pay him. Yuri Lisovsky reported this to 7x7.

Syktyvkar Distillery stopped the production of souvenir boxes with Dary Severa vodka after artist Yuri Lisovsky’s appeals. According to him, the company used his painting Creation of the World on the gift hamper without permission. After the proceedings, the company's management admitted that fragments of Lisovsky's works were used in the design. Syktyvkar Distillery has deleted information about the product from the official website.

In addition, the artist demanded that the enterprise pay him damages for personal injury in the amount of 500 thousand rubles and asked to recompense him the cost of the souvenir bottles sold - about 90 thousand rubles. The company considered the compensation claims unreasonable, and refused to recompense the cost of the alcohol sold, since the effective income was about 7 thousand rubles.

Yuri Lisovsky appealed to the Investigating Committee to find out the circumstances of the company's actions and quantify the damage caused to him. Law enforcement officers conducted an inspection, but refused to initiate a criminal case. The artist is going to file a lawsuit.

Yuri Lisovsky is not the only one who has defended his copyright. For example, in Karelia, journalists proved that the regional Union of Journalists' Chairman Maxim Korepanov had violated their copyrights. According to the media workers, Korepanov repeatedly used their materials for his Karel’skie Vesti (‘Karelian News’) Media Outlet and did not indicate the source. Elena Paltseva, the journalists’ lawyer, said that the texts’ authorship had been removed, and the headlines had been changed.
