The Moscow Sakharov Center* has announced the third enrollment in the Yelena Bonner School of Human Rights. From October 2021 to February 2022, a series of online meetings will be held for everyone, with Russian human rights advocates telling what human rights are, why we need them and how to help those whose rights have been violated.

The lectures will be given by experts of the Sakharov Center*, the Committee Against Torture, OVD-Info, Apologia of Protest, the Sova (‘owl’) Information and Analytical Center*, and other human rights protection projects. Organizers promise to teach how to monitor violations, communicate with the police and state authorities, as well as organize public campaigns.

The school was named in honor of human rights advocate Yelena Bonner, the wife of academician Andrei Sakharov, who made a significant contribution to the human rights protection movement’s development. On her initiative, the Sakharov Center* and the Public Commission to Protect the Legacy of Andrei Sakharov* appeared.

The meetings will be held on the Zoom Platform. Participation is free of charge. You need to fill in the participant’s application by October 1.
