The Arkhangelsk Regional Court cancelled the fine to eco-activist Anna Veshkurtseva for playing the recording of the state anthem of Russia during the environmental rally on September 22 in Arkhangelsk. This was reported on December 24 by community "Pomorye Is Not a Dump!".

When considering the appeal against the fine, the regional court concluded that the police had sent the case materials to the wrong court and Anna Veshkurtseva had not been informed about the meeting in Solombalsky District Court when judge Inna Utkina fined her for 2 thousand rubles.

Utkina issued an order on the fine, as, in her opinion, the law prohibits to play the anthem when the atmosphere is not festive or solemn. Arkhangelsk activists called this punishment "penalty for patriotism."

Anna Veshkurtseva played the audio recording of the anthem at the environmental rally on September 22. The police considered that the activist had violated the law on the anthem, so they drew up a report. Activists believe that the law does not contain a direct prohibition to perform it at rallies, and the police could not prove that it was the Russian anthem, and not the anthem of the USSR.
