Photo exhibition «ObyedinivSHIESya» (‘United’), which is dedicated to the protests of the Russian North inhabitants against the landfill construction, opens in the Moscow Sakharov center on November 29. It was created in partnership with 7x7 and the International Memorial Society. This was reported on November 28 on the website of the center.

Photo exhibition "ObyedinivSHIESya" will be held in the Sakharov Center from November 29 to December 29. It includes works by Anna Shulyatyeva, Natalia Beshkareva, Viktor Kokarev and Denis Sinyakov.

Curator — Alexander Smirnov;
Designer — Alina Saulova;
Explication author — Elena Solovyova;
Coordinator — Anna Bulgakova.

The initiators of the exhibition are eco-activists from Komi and the Russian North Viktor Vishnevetsky (Syktyvkar) and Nikolai Viktorov (Urdoma).

The exhibition is based on nine diptychs — double photographs, where both parts complement each other. Photos inside the diptychs, according to the organizers, not only interact and strengthen each other, but also conflict.

The annotation to the exhibition describes a short but eventful history of opposition of residents of Arkhangelsk Oblast to the construction of landfill for Moscow garbage. The authors reminded about the appearance of the first watch of activists near station Shies, their confrontation with private security guards from the Security Guarantor company, attempts to close the camp and how the activists managed to peacefully stop the construction.


Residents of the Russian North and regions of the North-West of Russia held several "days of ecoprotest", during which rallies against the landfill at Shies were held in a number of settlements at the same time. Several activists became involved into criminal cases because of participation in rallies and fights with guards of the construction site. Ratings of governors of the Russian North and the neighboring Komi became seriously down during uncoordinated processions of eco-activists in Syktyvkar and Arkhangelsk.
