Law enforcement officers came to the apartment of the mother of activist Andrei Borovikov in the village of Obozersky of Arkhangelsk Oblast with a search, seized nothing and took her away for questioning. The search was conducted on the case of FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation). Borovikov himself confirmed to "7x7" the information about the search on 24 October.

The activist repeated from his mother’s words that the police [perhaps he meant the employees of the Investigative Committee that were conducting the case] behaved correctly and did not seize anything. After that, she was taken away for questioning. He claims that the search was connected with a criminal case against the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which is suspected of legalizing illegally-obtained money.

Andrei Borovikov did not have time to clarify with his mother whether the employees told her about who she was in the case.

— She doesn't have a lawyer yet. They did not have any time to provide her with one. Because this is the village of Obozersky in Arkhangelsk Oblast, the nearest lawyer is 100 kilometers from this village. Even if I sent her a lawyer right away, he would not come soon, — Borovikov told «7x7».

Andrei Borovikov was the coordinator of Alexei Navalny's headquarters in Arkhangelsk until it was closed. At the end of September 2019, the court appointed him 400 hours of community service under «Dadin’s» Article 212.2 of the Criminal Code ("Repeated Violation of the Established Procedure for Holding a Public Event"). The criminal case against the activist was opened after the third administrative offense — for participation in the anti-garbage demonstration and rally against the landfill construction at station Shies on April 7, 2019.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on money laundering in the Anti-Corruption Foundation of politician Alexei Navalny in the midst of summer protests against the non-admission of opposition candidates to the elections to the Moscow city Duma. According to investigators, the activists «illegally» received 75 million rubles and put them into the accounts of the Anti-Corruption Foundation during the presidential campaign in 2018. The activists attributed the appearance of money to fundraising on the Internet, including cryptocurrency. Navalny himself believes that the real purpose of the persecution is the destruction of the regional network of headquarters.
