FSB operatives came to work of applicant of the picket in support of environmental movement FridaysForFuture in Murmansk Maria Bogdanova on the eve of the action. They were interested in the movement itself, reproached the activist that she wouldn’t be able to attend the picket, and asked to sign a paper where it was confirmed that she got acquainted with the anti-extremist legislation. on Bogdanova reported this herself on September 26 in her post on Facebook.

Bogdanova could not negotiate the picket for a long time, as, allegedly, there were works underway at the declared site, and when she agreed on inconvenient conditions of the mayor’s office, she realized that she couldn’t attend the rally because of the performance at the Murmansk regional puppet theater where she works. The day before the supposed start of the picket, according to Bogdanova, two FSB operatives came to her work and warned her about her responsibility for everything that would happen at the picket, even in her absence. They also were interested in movement FridaysForFuture and asked about how the participants coordinated their actions.

— A "responsible" man asked: "And you switch off phone, don’t you?" - "No, it's just reception being lousy in some spots of the theater." He grinned. He told me to use my head next time. The second man was politer, but, in the end, he also recommended to consult with the staff on such issues or to study the information about the pickets on my own. That is, they did not even realize that I had just learned about the impossibility of attending the picket.

Bogdanova promised the FSB to cancel the picket. At the end of the post, she wrote that she believed it was absurd for the officers to pay so much attention to environmental activists, and said that such attention inspired her to go to environmental actions even more often.

In the office of the the FSB in Murmansk Oblast they refused to confirm or deny the fact of communication between the operatives and Bogdanova to the correspondent of "7x7".

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish schoolgirl who began protesting outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018. She called her action School Strike for Climate. Thunberg's environmental movement FridaysForFuture was supported by schoolchildren around the world, including in Russia. Thunberg spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23, where she criticized country leaders for their insufficient contribution to preventing global warming. On September 27, actions in support of ecology and Greta Thunberg are planned in many cities of Russia and the world.
