Orenburg communists held a picket in support of the defendants in the «Moscow case» in front of the regional Parliament. 11 people came to support the suspects and convicted activists. On September 26, the Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast Vladimir Novikov told "7x7" about it.

Vladimir Novikov together with three other deputies and the supporters came to the picket because they consider persecution of activists to be unfair.

According to Novikov, activists protested in order to protect their constitutional rights, but it resulted into repression for them. In his opinion, the pressure on activists in Russia, including the communists, continues for a long time, but the "Moscow case" has attracted great attention of society and the authorities:

— We are told: "Why do you, the communists, defend democrats, liberals, and so on?" It doesn't matter who he is. The thing is that it does not matter who he is for our government — a democrat, a liberal, a communist, whatever. The main thing is that people oppose political lawlessness. And they are being frightened, because the manifestation has become massive, just like in Moscow.

Novikov said that he was in Moscow on a protest action in support of the unregistered Moscow city Duma candidates on August 3. According to him, it "sickens" him when employees of the National Guard are called "astronauts" and a negative connotation is given to this beautiful word. According to him, National Guardians are "Martians wearing uniform»:

— Of course, it is terrible to watch how they go in ranks, columns of four people, grab one person, wring his hands. We believe that every honest person in Russia should show his civil position. Because if we don't speak out against this outrage, the same persecution will come to every home today. We talk a lot about Stalin's terror — here it is in reality, modern terror. Here, as they say, no one has learned the lessons of history.

According to Novikov, Orenburg сommunists went on a picket in defense of democracy, for which for some reason "destroyed the Soviet power."

"Moscow case" means two cases, united into one by the Investigative Committee of Russia: about mass riots and the use of violence against employees of the National Guard and the police at protests on July 27 and August 3 in support of the unregistered Moscow city Duma candidates. 17 people were the defendants in the case, but later this number was reduced to 12. Musicians, scientists, clergymen, actors, journalists, and historians supported the suspects, defendants, and convicts.
