The Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Arkhangelsk Oblast, at the request of the Prosecutor's office, opened an administrative case against the customer of banners with the inscription: "Stop #Shies! We demand the project's cancellation and freedom to activists!", which hang in Plesetsk. The agency decided that the banners contained no advertising. The owner of the banners faces a fine. This was reported by on September 10.

According to, the Office of the FAS of Arkhangelsk Oblast believes that the owner of the banner, a businessman from Plesetsk Alexander Mironov, has violated the law on advertising, because, according to officials, the inscription on the banner does not meet the definition of advertising, including social. To learn more about the case, Mironov was invited to appear in the Office of the FAS in Arkhangelsk on September 27, and the case was scheduled for October 11. Alleged violation falls under part 1 of article 14.3 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation ("Violating the Legislation On Advertising") and requires a fine of from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles. The activist considers the situation to be "nonsense" and believes that the inscription on the banner is a social advertising.

The correspondent of "7x7" could not get an operational comment in the Office of the FAS of Arkhangelsk Oblast.

The banner against the construction of the landfill for garbage removal from Moscow and Moscow Oblast at station Shies in Arkhangelsk Oblast appeared on a billboard in the center of Plesetsk on July 11. Alexander Mironov ordered it, and later said that the head of the city Artyom Ogoltsov became interested in the banner. The next day two new banners with the same inscriptions, also ordered by Mironov, appeared in the Plesetsk district — at the entrance to the village of Savinsky, and in the settlement of Severoonezhsk.

In July, another banner against the construction of the landfill at Shies appeared in Arkhangelsk. It hung in the city center near the building of the FSB in Arkhangelsk Oblast for about a day. Then, according to activists, under pressure from the authorities, the company that owns the advertising space removed the banner with the inscription "Shies belongs to us. Russian North is not a dump for Moscow."

Shies is a railway station in Arkhangelsk Oblast, near which they want to build the landfill for the import of waste from Moscow and Moscow Oblast. Residents of the region and the Komi Republic oppose the construction of the landfill.
