Movement "Pomorye Is Not a Dump!" of activists from Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Komi Republic announced a single day of protest against the import of Moscow garbage in Arkhangelsk Oblast and the construction of landfill at station Shies. Telegram-channel "Pomorye Is Not a Dump!" reported the plans to hold coordinated protest action on 2 September.

Activists who announced the action believe that the construction of the landfill at Shies is going to affect the ecology of border regions, and in an unfavorable scenario, the entire Euro-Arctic region may suffer. A single day of protest should push the government to abandon the storage and burning of garbage, the beginning of its sorting.

Activists from Vologda and Kirov announced their participation in the group of the all-Russian protest. Kirov activist Vadim Ananyin told «7x7» that he is planning to hold a rally on September 22 and will apply for it, although he admits that all sites may be «occupied».

According to Ananyin, Shies is no longer a regional theme of Arkhangelsk and became a symbol of the struggle of citizens for the environment.

— At the meeting, we want to read aloud the appeal of Shies activists, we are going to have people who were at the station. But along with the theme of Shies, the construction of a plant for the processing of hazardous waste of 1 and 2 classes of danger on the basis of facility Maradykovsky will be discussed.

Construction of the landfill at station Shies near the eponymous abandoned village in Lensky district of Arkhangelsk Oblast began in the summer of 2018. It was assumed that the landfill would take municipal waste from Moscow and Moscow Oblast. Residents of both regions did not approve of the plans to build the landfill on the border of Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Komi Republic — they began to hold protests on the same exact days in their capitals. For example, several thousand people took part in uncoordinated actions on April 7 in Arkhangelsk and Syktyvkar. 47 people were fined for this action, they received fines for a total amount of 1 million 716 thousand rubles and 290 hours of compulsory work.
