Activist of the Yaroslavl Alliance of Heterosexuals and LGBT Alan Yerokh was detained at the door of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the action against domestic violence. She told "7x7" about it on August 28.

Yerokh came to MIA with makeup simulating bruises on the face and poster "Hello, police, my husband beat me, any help now?". She was immediately detained without any explanation. At Yerokh’s request to give the reason for the detention, the police captain Yan Karpitskiy asked her not to philosophize. She suggested that she should be taken to the Kirov Police Department.

Alan Yerokh has repeatedly held LGBT actions: against the persecution of a same-sex couple with a child, on the day of the Russian flag, in memory of the murdered LGBT activist and others.

The topic of domestic violence became relevant because of the "the case of the Khachaturian sisters" who killed their father after threats, beatings, and sexual violence. Activists are raising money online to publish a book about domestic violence.

In 2016, a man killed his wife in Orel after she called the police. The district police officer got two years of a colony-settlement as she refused to leave on a call saying "if you die, we will surely come, view the corpse, don't worry!»
