On August 6, blogger Sergei Komandirov held a picket near the building of Smolensk city administration, demanding the release of figurant of criminal case about mass riots in Moscow Yegor Zhukov and political prisoners, reported the correspondent of "7x7".


The blogger stood in front of the city administration building for an hour, holding poster "Fascism of the 21st century. A fine of 30,000 for a meme with Putin. Security forces beating citizens. Concocting criminal and administrative cases. #FreedomToYegorZhukov #FreedomToPoliticalPrisoners." A security guard came up to Komandirov and asked for his personal data to transfer them to the head of the city.

— The actions of the security forces during protests on July 27 and August 3 in Moscow are fascism. They beat civilians and detained them illegally. They cook up criminal cases in order to justify the number of detainees. They imprison innocent kids. I came out in support of innocent Yegor Zhukov, who had been arrested, as well as other political prisoners. Also I held the picket, because a penalty of 30 thousand rubles for a meme with Putin is fascism, too, — Komandirov told "7x7".


In June 2019, Sergei Komandirov was found guilty of "contempt of power" under Part 3 of Article 20.1 of the Code of administrative offences for a meme posted on vk.com with the image of Vladimir Putin and caption "This is known by everyone, who is *** №1". He was fined for 30 thousand rubles.

On July 27 and August 3, there were uncoordinated actions in Moscow with the demand to allow independent candidates for elections to the Moscow City Duma. The police detained more than 2 thousand people. One of the detainees in the case of "mass riots" was the 4th year student of the Higher school of Economics Yegor Zhukov, who had not been registered as a candidate for the Moscow City Duma.
