On August 3, Tver activists held several one-person pickets in support of fair elections and independent candidates for the Moscow City Duma. It was planned to disrupt their action, the reported the correspondent of "7x7".

Initially, pickets were to be held on Trekhsvyatskaya street in the centre of Tver, but activists saw people who were preparing a provocation: they had batons and cartons of eggs. The action was moved to the city garden. After the provocateurs left, the activists returned to the originally planned place.

— I come out in solidarity with Muscovites, who are not allowed to nominate their independent candidates. I think it's wrong, I want fair elections. If there is something like that in Moscow, then it may affect the whole Russia, — said one of the picketers Ilya Yakushev.

On July 16, 2019 it came out that the district election commissions had not allowed several independent candidates to the Moscow City Duma elections: Lyubov Sobol, Ilya Yashin, Ivan Zhdanov, and others. The commissions considered that the number of invalid signatures exceeded the barrier of 10 per cent. The candidates believe that such a decision was provoked by the Moscow city hall and is illegal.

On July 20, a coordinated rally was held in Moscow on Sakharov Avenue in support of independent candidates, more than 22 thousand people participated in it, according to the White Сounter. On July 27, there was an uncoordinated rally, according to OVD-info, more than a thousand participants of the action were detained.
