Banner with the inscription "Shies belongs to us. Russian North is not a dump for Moscow", which had been ordered by eco-activist Dmitry Sekushin, was removed. This was done by «Severnaya Mediagruppa» (Northern Media Group Company), which owns the advertising space near the building of the FSB of Arkhangelsk Oblast. Sekushin told "7x7" about it on July 4.

— The operator of outdoor advertising, with whom I had the contract on placement, have done this. I have no claims against them, because they were pressured by the authorities. I can't say, by whom exactly. But I know they were called and threatened. They are good fellows, they took a bold step, having placed this banner, — said the activist.

Sekushin said that the company would not take money from him for renting a place for the banner. The banner was returned to the activist.

— We'll figure out how to use it. We’ll place it somewhere, — he added.

It was not possible to get an operational comment of «Severnaya Mediagruppa».

The first attempt to remove the banner took place in the afternoon of July 4. A car with a lifting tower drove up to the place. Presumably, it could belong to municipal enterprise «Gorsvet». The activists noticed that, journalists came there. The banner was not removed in the end; the car drove away.

Shies is a railway station in Arkhangelsk Oblast, near which a landfill for the import of waste from Moscow and Moscow Oblast is planned. Residents of the region and the Republic of Komi are against the construction of the landfill. They organized an indefinite protest in the center of Arkhangelsk and a camp at the construction site at Shies (eco-watch).
