Residents of Yaroslavl raised money to make a new plaque on the house, where politician Boris Nemtsov lived. On July 2, organizer of the fundraising, activist Vasily Tsependa, told «7x7» about it.

In total, the organizers have raised 11,800 rubles. According to Tsependa, the average fee is 536 rubles.

This is the first experience of fundraising: activists used to spend their own money on the monument.

— The new plaque is going to be be made of metal, — Tsependa told the correspondent of «7x7».

This will be the fourth plaque to be installed already. The previous one was made of pink granite: Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, on which the politician was killed in 2015, is faced with the same material. Someone broke it at the end of May. On the first anniversary of the murder in 2016, a stone plaque was installed. Tsependa was nearly brought to administrative responsibility for «illegal installation of a memorial sign». In May of the same year, the plaque was gone, but it was found. Six months later, the plaque was stolen again, a cardboard had to be hung instead.

The opposition politician and former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia was shot on February 27, 2015 in Moscow. The court found five citizens of Russia from the North Caucasus guilty of murder — their organizer was Zaur Dudaev who held a post of the deputy commander of battalion Sever. According to him, he decided to commit crimes because Nemtsov had been supporting French satirical magazine Charile Hebdo, the victim of the terrorist attack. Before being murdered, Nemtsov sharply criticized the Russian government and the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. Before his death, Nemtsov was a Deputy of the Yaroslavl regional Duma.
