On June 6, the ECHR approved a settlement agreement between the authorities of Russia and two victims of the police officers’ actions from Chuvashia. Their compensation increased from 20 thousand rubles to 5 thousand euros. The lawyer of the human rights group «Agora», Alexei Glukhov, wrote about it in his Telegram-channel.

Investigation of the crime committed by Novocheboksarsk district police officer Alexander Semenov on September 8, 2016, took 18 days. Semenov pleaded guilty. Novocheboksarsk city court admitted the district police officer’s guilt, sentenced him for 3 years suspendedly and obliged the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to pay the compensation of 20 thousand rubles to Alexander Ivanov and Konstantin Chumakov.

The victims did not agree with the compensation and appealed to the human rights project "Zone of Law", which helped them o send the complaint to the ECHR. Human rights activist and lawyer of "Agora" Alexei Glukhov dealt with the case.

According to the Chair of the International human rights group "Agora" Pavel Chikov, the ECHR offered Russia to conclude a settlement agreement with the victims and pay each of them 5 thousand euros. Russia agreed, information on the amount of compensation is published on the ECHR website. As lawyer of «Agora» Alexey Glukhov told "7x7", the compensation awarded to his principals is appropriate and approved by Government of the Russian Federation:

— Awarding formal compensation to victims of police violence in Russia is primarily due to the reluctance of our judges to fairly evaluate the human dignity of people, together with the reluctance of the authorities to be financially responsible for their representatives. Then probably goes economy, some judges just say: "we give less for murders". It is not possible to convince the courts that such cases should be considered as compensation from the authorities for having hired an insane police officer who is constantly using physical force. And this is an all-Russian problem. In every region, not only in Chuvashia, victims of police violence receive poor compensation.

On June 5, the ECHR communicated the complaint of the coordinator of Cheboksary headquarters of politician Alexei Navalny Semyon Kochkin against the fine for "the propaganda of the symbols banned in Russia."

The ECHR communicated all six complaints of the participants of Cheboksary action "He Is Not Dimon to You" that took place on March 26.

In the beginning of May, the former kindergarten teacher in Chuvashia Alyona Blinova, who claimed to be fired from the kindergarten after her participation in the anti-corruption rally on March 26, 2017, appealed to the ECHR for protection of her rights.

In October 2018, the former coordinator of Chuvash branch of the liquidated movement "Open Russia" Anton Kravchenko appealed to Strasbourg court with a complaint about being fined "for cooperation with an undesirable organization."
