Eco-activist Vladimir Grigoriev from Arkhangelsk was detained during his one-person picket against the landfill construction at the Shies station. He stood on Lenin Square in Arkhangelsk wearing a gas mask, and it is prohibited to cover one’s face during public actions, said website on May 27.

In addition to the gas mask, Grigoriev wore a hazmat suit. On his poster he wrote: «Stop Shies. You wanna live in that suit?» According to the website, the activist remained outside for two hours until he was detained for violation of the established procedure of pickets. The penalty for this violation is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Construction of the MSW landfill at the Shies station in Lensky district of Arkhangelsk Oblast began in summer 2018. Residents of the region and of the neighboring Komi Republic organized an eco-watch near the construction site. On May 16, the correspondents of «7x7» went to Shies and prepared a reportage.

Vladimir Grigoriev was fined by the court on April 21 and May 6 for 13 and 12 thousand rubles because of his participation in anti-garbage actions. By May 6, the sum of all fines for participation in those actions has reached 985 thousand rubles.
