In Petrozavodsk, on March 4, police officers came to several participants of the rally in memory of Boris Nemtsov, which took place on the “Nemtsov Bridge” on February 27.

Police officers arrived to activists Andrey Oborin and Tamara Spektor around 4 pm and took explanations from them about the action.

“We didn’t even let them into the apartment, and they apologized all the time for coming and disturbing,” Spektor told the «7x7» correspondent. “They said that all events should be coordinated with the administration, and we told them that this was not an event, but a commemoration. We asked to specify that there were no organizers.”

An action in memory of the murdered politician Boris Nemtsov is held annually in Petrozavodsk. In 2019, 10 people participated in it, there were no police officers at the rally. A year ago, the Rosgvardians watched the action, their minibus was equipped with a surveillance camera. In 2017, the film “Nemtsov” by Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. was shown in Petrozavodsk.

Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on the night of February 27-28, 2015 on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge. Boris Nemtsov is a politician, deputy, governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region (1991-1997), vice-premier of the Russian government (1997-1998), people's deputy of Russia, founder of the Union of Right Forces faction, co-chairman of the Republican Party of Russia — Party of People’s Freedom, one of the founders of the Solidarity movement, co-author of expert reports on corruption, the president of the country and the Sochi Olympics, deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma (from 2013 to the time of the murder).

Sergey Markelov, «7x7»
