On May 16, lawyer and human rights activist from Syktyvkar, Victor Vorobyev, along with his Moscow colleagues filed a complaint to the Moscow City Court against the decision of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow to block Telegram in Russia. According to him, the applicants refer to violation of the article of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Together with Syktyvkar lawyer, the blocking is litigated by the civil activist Pyotr Karmanov and the municipal deputy Dmitry Martynenko.

"Not only the messenger's employees confront the consequences of blocking. It affects my rights, too," commented the lawyer. "I, as a lawyer, see the procedural ways of solving the problem and use them. I communicate with my clients through Telegram. Not all of them can learn modern ways of bypassing blocks. Therefore, the channel of confidential communication through the messenger was lost to me in a number of cases. Besides, I have a juridical channel there, this format is very relevant at the moment."

Vorobyev did not agree this complaint with the lawyers of the Telegram founder Pavel Durov, but he supports their work. In addition to the complaint against the decision of the Tagansky court, the Syktyvkar human rights activist participates in the collective lawsuit of the Roskomsvoboda organization to the Federal Security Service, which required Telegram to provide encryption keys.

"Withdrawing Telegram from the legal boundaries of Russia not only block access to information, but on the contrary — put this issue beyond the state control", lawyers say.

On April 17, Roskomnadzor started blocking Telegram. However, the number of Russian users declined by only 7%.

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