On the night of Christmas, unknown people set fire to the car of Ilya Raskin, leader of the Murmansk Jewish Community. According to his Facebook post, he is sure that the arson was committed by anti-Semites.

Next to the burned car (on diesel fuel) the police found a canister with gasoline. The owner intended to complain to the prosecutor's office and the FSB. Raskin is sure that the crime was committed precisely on the basis of extremism, which is indicated by the time of committing the arson.

"Previously, received no threats through professional activity or public activity," the leader of the Jewish community told «7x7».  "I can not associate it with business. The car was set on fire at midnight on Orthodox Christmas. They set fire usually at other times – at 3 or 4 am, and this happened almost in front of people. Jewish pogroms in Russia occurred on Orthodox holidays. Murmansk has always been a multinational, international city. But now, during an aggravation of the economic and social crisis, people are looking for an outlet for their fears and hatred.

The activist recalled that a few years ago, unknown people were drawing prohibited graffiti on the walls of the Jewish center in Murmansk. The criminals were not found.

Daniil Kuznetsov, «7x7»
