On February 16, correspondent of «7x7» reported from the courtroom that Petrozavodsk City Court reinstated teacher of Petrozavodsk State University Gleb Yarovoy, who was dismissed after the incoming request of FSB.

Two witnesses spoke in court: first vice-rector of PetrSU Sergey Korzhov and director of the Institute for Nordic Studies, Professor Yuri Kilin.

Judge Pavel Malygin asked how the university received a request from the FSB and in what form answer was given; Sergey Korzhov answered:

– Employee who brought the request got an answer verbally.

Sergey Korzhov told the court that after reading explanatory of Yarovoy, he immediately took the decision to dismiss. He didn't want to talk to the teacher.

Sergei Korzhov

According to Yuri Kilin, Yarovoy asked to cancel a lesson or to change with the teacher for a time of his trip. He also said that before he had complaints to the work of Yarovoy. Yarovoy was extremely surprised by Kilin's claims announced in court, as he kept silence earlier.

'If it was found out in November that I was absent 10 years ago, the right to dismiss remains by law. In this regard, is this punishment fair? You found out after three months in November, there were no complaints, no large-scale consequences, no disruption of lessons. Do you consider this punishment to be fair? Let's imagine you in such situation. You would definitely get approval,' judge Pavel Malygin said.

'If I may, I will not "hiphotize" my response,' Kilin said.

Yuri Kilin

At the meeting it became known that the Federal Security Service responded to the demand of the court of Petrozavodsk. Query, after which Yarovoy was fired, was sent "in order to establish the validity of departures from the Russian Federation and the possible facts of the illegitimate use of budgetary funds of Petrozavodsk State University in 2016". According to FSB information, it was directed against some employees of Petrozavodsk State University, including Gleb Yarovoy (a copy of the response to the judge's ruling is available).


Judge Pavel Malygin

Prosecutor Veronika Rad'kova said that there were no grounds for satisfaction of the claim in full. Moreover, she required to make a particular decision to the university for violating labor laws, because Yarovoy signed the protocol of the examination board, who was not in town at the time of examination.

As a result, the court found the claim of Gleb Yarovoy justified and reinstated him. The teacher will receive five thousand rubles for emotional distress, and salaries since the time of illegal dismissal. The court decision came into force from the date of announcement.

At the last meeting, representative of the university lawyer Vasily Tomashchuk told that the request was sent from FSB, but respondent party could not provide it to the court as the document has not been recorded in the Office of Petrozavodsk State University and has been transferred to one of the leaders of the university in person. The Federal Security Service confirmed that the request was a list of the teachers who went abroad. But neither the request nor FSB answer was never provided, although the court is requested the document. Since no original documents is not, it is impossible to know whether the university response to a request posted.

It was the second hearing on the case of dismissal of the teacher Gleb Yarovoy. On November 18, 2016 known in Karelia political analyst with 14 years of experience was dismissed from Petrozavodsk State University for absenteeism on the basis of a mysterious request that was not shown to the teacher. Instead of this Gleb Yarovoy was asked to write explanatory – the university administration found out that he was not on vacation and did not issue a business trip during the two trips – to Finland and Georgia.

Gleb Yarovoy tried to find out through the court why the university administration did not try admonish or other kind of disciplinary action, but immediately signed the order to dismiss a teacher who did not have penalties for the years of work at the university. Teachers and students also supported Gleb Yarovoy.

In his lawsuit, the teacher asks to reinstate him and change qualification of the offense. He believes he was fired because of his public work. Yarovoy wrote a number of materials on human rights violations in the Republic of Karelia, published on «7x7». Last year, he became a volunteer of the regional branch of the movement of voters' rights " Voice". He was later informally warned that this activity would beсome a problem to continue working at the university.

Sergei Markelov, «7x7»
