Syktyvkar City Court found the leader of "Environmentalists Komi" Nina Ananina, who came to picket against merger of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Komi on October 22, guilty of violating rules of picketing and ordered her fine. According to correspondent of «7x7», the court meeting took place on November 28.

At the meeting, Nina Ananina agreed with protocol: she did held a picket near administration of the head of the republic on Stefanovskaya Square against merger of ministries of industry and environment.

'Venue of my picket is prohibited for pickets because there is a building of the Constitutional Court; I was picketing on Saturday, the court did not work on Saturday, so I did not interfere work of the court. I just could not stay silent and not express my civil position,' Ananina said in court. 'Ministry of Natural Resources was abolished by decree of the head of the Komi Republic, and this decree is catastrophic for our country, because the agency was engaged in valuation, licensing and monitoring of natural resources. At the moment it became part of the Ministry of Industry; it turns out that industrialists, who are the main polluters, will control themselves. There is a conflict of interest inside the department, we are horrified to realize that the ecology of our region has come to an end. I could not be silent about the flagrant act committed by the Head of the Komi Republic.'

The judge asked Ananina what she would prefer as a punishment – community service or a fine. She answered that she would prefer fine, because she was constantly engaged in public works in Syktyvkar, organized voluntary work and environmental campaigns.

The court appointed Ananina minimum fine of 10 thousand rubles, this decision will be challenged.

'I supposed it would be a minimum penalty. I could also think about community service: city needs a couple of subbotniks. Now we will pay fine. Environmental community is informed of what is happening, and the amount of fine is collected,' Ananina said to correspondent of «7x7».

Nina Ananina held a picket against the union Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Natural Resources on October 22 on behalf of three non-governmental organizations – "Environmentalists of Komi", Committee to Save Pechora and "Izvatas". She was detained by police. After the picket, protests were held in different parts of the Komi Republic. Head of the republic Sergey Gaplikov made decision to merge the two ministries on October 17.

Viktor Ivanov, «7x7»
