According to "Kommersant", a leader of the party "Rodina" and a member of the "United Russia" in the State Duma Alexey Zhuravlyov requested to check the activities of the educational camp "BarCamp", which has taken place since 2012 in a camp "Gazha Vör", 57 km from Syktyvkar. He claimed that each BarCamp gathers about 350 participants, mostly young people: "During the lectures, some experts express provocative propositions, laying them in the minds of young people", quote from the appeal.

Also, according to him, an ex-governor of the Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gayzer paid no attention to the problems associated with extremist organizations in the region, and "Rodina", which participated in the elections to the State Council of Komi, encountered them.

He also noted that he studied the activities of NGOs in the Komi Republic as a member of the President's Council on International Relations, and considered it important to address the topic of nationalism in the arctic regions on the eve of the National Unity Day on November 4.

"I hope the new government will pay attention to them," Zhuravlyov said.

According to a member of the Board of Komi Human Rights Commission "Memorial", co-organizer of the Syktyvkar BarCamp Pavel Andreev, officials and deputies lined up with a desire to ban anything.

"Since much of the country has already been suppressed, apparently, it is the turn of BarCamp, but, despite this, I can only invite the deputy to BarCamp to make a judgment being right there. I think that the hundreds of participants who have been there in previous years can assure him that everything that happened on BarCamp was solely in the interests of Russia. Separately, I note that the last BarCamp was held at the presidential grant," he concluded.

Besides, Zhuravlyov draws attention of Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to the public organization "Доръям асьнымoс" ["Protect Yourself"], which operates in the Komi Republic. He also calls it an ultra-right wing of the inter-regional NGO "Komi Voityr".

According to the newspaper, the deputy of the State Duma indicates that in an interview to "Krasnoye Znamya" the head of "Доръям асьнымoс" Nadezhda Mityusheva named Russian loans in the Komi language a "garbage". He also mentioned the NGO "Fenno-Ugria", the main purpose of which, according to him, are relations with the nationalist movements in Russia.

He says that some NGOs of the Arkhangelsk region cooperate with the Norwegians, who use the strategy of "soft power" for distribution "alien ideas and separatist sentiments" to residents of the region. Zhuravlyov argues that the Norwegians "systematicaly" treat adolescents, children and students in the Arkhangelsk region, convincing them that the Russian ethnic group that lives off the coast of the White Sea (pomory) is a "direct descendants of Scandinavians, Norwegians Vikings".

The deputy said that Norway uses the resources of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (CNPF). He noted that a former Foreign Minister of Norway Thorvald Stoltenberg (a father of the current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg) collaborated with the university. The latter, according to Mr. Zhuravlyov, "takes an openly anti-Russian position". The deputy asks Yuri Chaika to check the facts stated in the request, and to take measures of prosecutor's response if the called NGOs violate Russian laws.

"We must have a strategy for the development and strengthening of the northern territories, the Stoltenbergs are trying to destabilize the situation in Russia inside, our Western partners promote the idea of separatism through NGOs," the deputy concluded.

Viktor Ivanov, «7x7»
