Fired from his teaching job Alexander Byvshev from the village Kromy of the Oryol region intends to file a complaint against the Russian Federation in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). He said this to the correspondent of «7x7».

Nowadays Byvshev, whose poem "To Ukrainian Patriots" has been recognized as extremist, is preparing documents for submission to the ECHR. The teacher made this decision after Oryol Regional Court upheld the verdict of the lower court, leaving Byvshev with a status of extremist. "Conclusions" of experts "from the Forensic Center of AMIA Russia in Oryol outweighed the findings of authoritative experts of NGO "Gladys". There is a clear bias and political bias in the actions of the judiciary," he said. Earlier «7x7» wrote about detailed examination of the case of Byvshev.

Let’s note that the teacher is actually deprived of the opportunity to work within specialty since 2014 and even received anonymous death threats. However, his poems are recommended for the All-Russian Olympiad on the Russian language and literature in the 2014-2015 academic year.

There is an online fund collecting to support family of Byvshev (old parents are in his care).

The case of Byvshev caused a great resonance in the Russian and foreign media. One of the latest materials was a report of journalist Maria Eismont in "Snob".
