Today, the Pervomaisky district court issued a final judgment in the case of the NGO "Humanistic Youth Movement". It was declared a foreign agent, and ordered to apply to the Ministry of Justice for the inclusion of community members in a special register and to pay the fee (400 rubles). An issue of "Youth Human Rights newspapers" was equated to political activity. It is worth noting that the judge dismissed the application for adjournment of the meeting, on which chairman HYM and lawyer insisted. Both are out of town.

A representative of the NGO, lawyer Alexander Peredruk said that he intends to file an appeal:

“The decision of the court, as I know, was based on the examination, which was held by some private company in Voronezh. The judge at the meeting asked the prosecutor one question about the political activities of HYM. The prosecutor replied in his style and repertoire: "According to the findings of examination, HYM is engaged in political activity". In fact, the issue of the newspaper was equated to political activity. We have not yet received the court's decision, but definitely plan to appeal. Because the verdict is contrary to the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and goes against all standards of the NGO regulating. We will submit a complaint in the last days. Let me recall that we haven’t got the court's decision yet, we may have to liquidate HYM, ie, we don’t exclude this possibility. And if we’ll have to eliminate HYM, we need to hold on to the moment when the court’s decision comes into force.

Member of the Humanistic Youth Movement Tatiana Kulbakina, who was at the trial today, said that she didn’t consider the organization "a foreign agent".

"It is clear we don’t consider ourselves foreign agents. We will file an appeal, since it seems that the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for the NGO, believes that we have no political activity, and the examination confirmed this. We believe that this is a more powerful argument than psycho-linguistic expertise, presented at court. Because neither psychologists nor linguists have no right to make such a conclusion. We are engaged in cultural and educational activities and publish a newspaper, in which we analyze the human rights situation, and it is certainly not political activity. And we're certainly not doing it for the benefit of any foreign forces".

Let us recall the trial of the organization "Humanistic Youth Movement" started this summer. At the initiative of the FSB prosecution of the Pervomaisky district of Murmansk has checked the activities of civic activists, and then filed a lawsuit to HYM. The supervisory authority felt that the members of the movement violated the law since refused to register as NGO.

The main argument that the organization is engaged in political activities was the project "Youth Human Rights newspaper". According to an expert linguist, there are a lot of "hidden promises to change the constitutional order" and to compromise the integrity of the Russian Federation. Besides, there are articles of torture and inhuman treatment, which tarnish the image of the police.

Expertise caused a lot of questions about the competence of man who performed it. After all, in his opinion, the word "FREEDOM!!!" with three exclamation marks, for example, is "a hidden appeal to violent change of the constitutional order and distraction of the integrity of the Russian Federation", which lies in repeated demands for freedom and rights.
