Students, activists of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, held one-person pickets at the Oktyabrsky prospect at McDonald's on August 25, advocating for its closure.

LDPR activists fight against GMOs and take to the streets, calling on the residents to refuse to eat at McDonalds. Alexander Pereshein, participant of the picket, explained the purpose of today's action:

— We would like to convey people that the food at McDonald's is unhealthy, we are opposed to GMOs, which poison life. Similar pickets from the Liberal Democratic Party are now throughout Russia. Besides, we distributed leaflets from the party against McDonald's. Passers-by were in solidarity with us and also stood for the closure of this place.

Not everyone supports such actions. For example, Oleg Tkachyov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Kirov region, was skeptical about this event:

“I myself don’t go to McDonald's, I don’t like the food, the design, the atmosphere of these places. However, to held protests in favor of political judgment call is a very vulgar action. Just don’t go, don’t eat, vote yourself. However, if there are no important matters in the country anymore, no one can prohibit the Liberal Democratic Party activists to have fun with any reasonable and lawful means.

Let’s add that Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance checks the McDonald’s restaurants at least in nine regions. Thus, they revealed violations of hygiene and have closed four McDonald's in Moscow.

Natalia Volnaya, «7x7»