Yesterday Norwegians all over the world wore national costumes, took up the national flag and took to the streets celebrating. May 17, 1814 the Norwegian constitution was adopted in Eidsvoll.


Festivities traditionally were also held in Murmansk. They started with a solemn procession from the park on Vorovskogo street to the building of the Norwegian Consulate.


People in national costumes and with flags of Norway began to gather in a park near Murmansk College of Art at around 1 p.m.


At precisely 1 p.m. the column started to the strains of a brass band. It was headed by Norwegian students.


They were followed by diplomats, consular officers, the Norwegians who live or are visiting the city, and Murmansk people themselves.


Some people took their pets.


Unlike many other countries, where military parades are held in the National Day, in Norway the children's procession is one of the main events of the day. The procession in Murmansk was also terminated by children.


Even the youngest participants of the march carried a miniature copy of the national flag of Norway.


After walking through the park, the column turned onto Sofia Perovskaya street in the direction of the Norwegian Consulate.


When the column reached the consulate the music stopped for a welcome word of the Consul General of Norway Ole Andreas Lindeman, in which he reminded the audience about the history of the adoption of the Norwegian Constitution and noted that the people has been running Norway for two hundred years from the date of its adoption, and that all this time Norway has peaceful relations with all its neighbors, including Russia.


Then the lyrics of the Norwegian national anthem were distributed throughout, and a brass band played again.


At the end the Norwegian Consul conveyed greetings of King Harald the Fifth:

“Best wishes on behalf of the King to all the staff of the Consulate General, all the Norwegians and our friends in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk”.


Constitution Day celebration ended with a ceremonial reception in recreation centre of Kirov.


Gleb Paykachev, «7x7»

