The Izhemsky district Council deputy Nikolai Rochev hopes that after today’s accepted compellation of deputy corps to "Lukoil-Komi" LLC the extracting company will "stop caddish treatment towards the local population". Let us recall thet people’s elects demanded the company to suspend its work in the district until fulfillment of several requirements: to punish those who are guilty of several violations (burning oil, concealment of facts on the accident), and also holding of public hearings in Krasnobor on laying the second string of the pipeline. Although the deputies can’t legally prohibit "Lukoil" LLC to work in the area. The extracting company itself withheld comments until the meeting with the locals, which will be held on April 13 in Krasnobor.

Photo: Nikolai Bratenkov

— How did the session of the Izhemsky district go today?

— This question [appeal to "Lukoil-Komi" LLC] was last on the order of the day. But we required to put it first as it is supremely important. Finally those who spoke were chairman of the Save the Pechora Committee Fyodor Terentyev, member of the "Iz'vatas" Presidium Nikolai Bratenkov, members of the Krasnobor village and me. Everyone asked to support a decision to suspend the activities of the company till fulfillment of requirements. Deputies unanimously adopted this political decision.

— But the deputy corps has no right to suspend the activities of the company.

— There is no such right. This can be done only through legal proceedings [recall of the license]. We have said that this is a political decision. The residents didn’t just gather and adjudge something, but the district council, which is a representative agency of power, demands to suspend the activities of the company.

— And were the representatives of "Lukoil-Komi" LLC at the session?

— No. It also outraged the deputies. After all, it was a foregone issue. They despise the locals, act like colonizers; they treat us as if we were the Papuans.

— What are you going to do next?

— A public commission was created, which include six people. After some time, the committee members will report progress.

— What do you expect from "Lukoil-Komi" LLC: homage or following of the previously selected course?

— We expect that "Lukoil" LLC cease such a caddish attitude towards the local population. The indigenous people live here after all. We expect that the company will work as with equal partners. If they have the intention to continue working in our district, they should be directly involved in the development of the district.

— You've repeatedly let "Lukoil" LLC see that you don’t like the way they work. But it didn’t bring the result you’ve expected.

— But the deputies didn’t fall into saying such things before: "Leave it out! Stop! Stop working!" This hasn’t happened yet. We will strive to fulfill our requirements to the end.

It should be clarified that the deputies of the Izhemsky district can’t prohibit the "Lukoil-Komi" LLC working within the territory of municipality.

Next Sunday the local population will meet with representatives of the company in Krasnobor, the latter will clarify their position on the recent events.

Earlier on the topic:

Committee in Izhma, meeting in Krasnobor. Lukoil, for crying out loud go away!

Inhabitants of Izhma required to completely stop the activity of "Lukoil" within the district

Residents of the Izhemsk villages demanded to suspend preparations for drilling of oil wells near Krasnobor

Oil spill in 100 kilometers away from Izhma

The same old story: spilled, burned, covered



Maxim Polyakov, «7x7»