Photo: Andrey Shopsha, "Krasnoye Znamya"


On February 26, Alexander Borisovich had a heart attack, he was put to an intensive care unit, but they couldn’t save his life. In the evening of March 20, he died. Ostrovsky will remain memorable as a high-grade lawyer, a single-hearted professional and at the same time as a man with an unsullied reputation, had given much of his time to civil rights protection.


«7x7» managed to get through to a human rights defender Igor Sazhin, who is now in Vologda. Here is what Igor told us about his acquaintance with Alexander, about the first impression and about what kind of person he was:


“We met in 2000. The first impression he made ​​on me — a very smiling man. Always the optimist, I’ve never seen him sad. A dweeby optimist.


He taught me to believe in courts, believe in myself, believe in rich people, that they can also fight for justice. Alexander Borisovich taught me that people can earn money not only for the money. This man looked far ahead, he believed that if people help each other, a lot can change. He put a lot into us ("Memorial"), to make us continue to believe. We believe that his faith in justice will reach the others therethrough. He was a very strong and incredibly kind man. Even in the worst things he taught us to find something very important and valuable. Alexander Borisovich always said, “Everything is right, don’t worry, the solution is absolutely correct. You are upset, but look into this decision. The decision is amazingly perfect for you.” He taught us to understand court decisions, understand the law, to understand it very much.


Board of the Komi Memorial Human Rights Commission and the editorial staff of «7x7» convey condolences to the family members and close ones.